Yes, although the coins marked as got, the coin quantities and any notes are only saved on the actual device and will not be visible on other devices, even if those devices use the same Google or Apple account.
The valuations upgrade is however tied to your Google/Apple account, so other devices using the same account will also have values enabled and visible.
If the values upgrade is enabled and values are not visible, please try the following:
For Apple devices:
Use the ‘RESTORE PURCHASE’ button within the settings (cog icon).
For Android devices…
It rarely happens. If it does, on the device(s) that doesn’t show the value data, try going to Settings > Apps > Check Your Change > Storage and then clicking Clear Data and Clear Cache. Warning: this will result in any marked coins/quantities/notes being lost on that device.
The Check Your Change admin is Mr C H Perkins, publisher of numismatic publications in printed and eBook format. Author of "Collectors' Coins - Decimal Issues of the UK" and other books on British coins and related subjects.
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